TWU 556 is proud to offer its members SAFE4R completely free to members who visit with a Benefits Counselor.
SAFE4R is the world' s first Application where the power of social community exponentially increases the immediate and direct response to any situation we or our loved ones may be confronted with.
In An Emergency Activate SAFE4R
You can activate a SAFE4R alert by either saying your custom safe word or phrase, or by pressing the SAFE4R Alert button.
Features Include:
Always Know Your Loved Ones are Safe
On an average day at work, you can only assume that your daughter made it to school without any issues. Sometimes, you don’t have the chance or forget to send a quick message to check in.
Stay Alert with Places Alarms
Have your child set a Place Alarm for you, for every day of the week for 3:30 PM. If they are not home by that time, you will receive an alert notifying you to check on them.
Crash Detection
Receive immediate crash alerts, track real-time locations, and access turn-by-turn directions to provide swift assistance during emergencies. Stay connected and ensure the safety of your loved ones effortlessly